Sterner wastewater
Safe discharge with the correct Effluent Treatment
Discharges to recipients should not be a burden to the environment and there is increasing focus on wastewater treatment. It is only natural that the demands on wastewater treatment before discharge are increasing.
Sterner has provided expertise in wastewater treatment technology for over 30 years, illustrating this as an important market.
From industrial wastewater treatment from food or plastics production to the treatment of municipal sewage, Sterner provides well tested solutions and best available technologies (BAT) providing excellent treatment results. The resulting discharge is well within discharge permits and is gentle upon the recipient.


Municipal treatment plants
Amongst other countries in Europe, Norway has several challenges ahead when it comes to municipal sewage treatment.
Sterner can offer the technology and the necessary know-how to deliver state-of-the-art solutions for the treatment of wastewater from the municipal sector.
We deliver complete turnkey solutions for effluent treatment, which includes a complete setup; the relevant pre-treatment, unique cost-effective biological treatment steps, efficient sludge treatment, final polishing and disinfection with UV.
Sterner has wide experience in wastewater treatment, and we provide equipment of robust quality that provides top treatment, to meet current and future legislations.
Industrial wastewater treatment
Industrial wastewater has been facing stricter regulations prior to discharge.
BAT solutions (best available technology) has been on the list of demands from the authorities setting the discharge permits for industrial processes.
With Sterners broad experience, we can deliver the solutions and technology satisfying BAT

Effluent treatment in aquaculture
The aquaculture business is a large part of Sterner’s work field, and here we have developed special solutions for effluent treatment, filtering and sludge treatment.
The sludge from effluent treatment is an important resource, which given the right treatment, will contribute to the circular economy. The sludge contains the right nutrients that makes it a valuable ingredient for fertiliser production.
We continually develop more effective solutions for biological treatment, denitrification, sludge separation and biogas production, and we bring important knowledge from all the markets we are engaged in, to create the best, most innovative solutions that also meet the demand for sustainability in aqueculture.
Quick assistance and response
Sterner has offices from Lofoten in the North to Porsgrunn in the South of Norway. Our network of highly trained staff ensure quick response and immediate attention regardless of a clients location.
With an agile service force we are ready to mobilise for our clients. Sterner offers regular service contracts ensuring continuous and optimal system function. Our service technicians are highly qualified and will embrace the challenges presented to them.